C&T Corporate Services Delegated Key Agent
Helping you easily protect your Bitcoin IRA and 401(k) retirement investments as a Delegated Key Agent with Unchained’s Multi-Signature vault program.
Unchained’s Multi-Signature Vaults
Unchained is a pioneer in the Bitcoin-only financial services industry. Unchained provides numerous services focused around Bitcoin wallet security and transaction services. While maintaining one’s Bitcoin assets in a cold wallet, kept secret from the world, may be secure, it comes with its own problems. Unchained’s Multi-signature vault service allows IRA and 401(k) investors to protect their Bitcoin assets with ease and convenience — without having to maintain their own cold wallet or risk losing their entire investment due to lost or stolen keys or malfunctioning hardware wallets. Learn more about Unchained’s delegated quorum key program here: Bitcoin multisig vaults – Unchained.
C&T Corporate Services Key Agent
C&T Corporate Services is proud to serve as a delegated Key Agent for long-term holders of Bitcoin. As a holder of one of three quorum keys necessary to sign a Bitcoin transaction, C&T Corporate Services, through Unchained’s platform, helps provide a simple and cost-effective way to protect your investment without the burden of the long-term obligation to secure and protect your own Bitcoin wallet. A Bitcoin transaction cannot be broadcast to the Bitcoin network without the cryptographical signature of C&T Corporate Services and another authorized agent. And we have worked with Unchained to establish multi-layered security and risk assessment protocol to ensure that the requested transaction is legitimate. The terms of service for C&T Corporate Services’s delegated Key Agent service can be found here.

C&T Corporate Services collaborated with Unchained to build exacting security standards in order to serve as a Key Agent. Our organization has established redundancy at every step of the process to secure cryptographic key pairs and provide cryptographic signatures necessary for bitcoin transactions. The hardware required for signing has been secured using industry best practice standards, purpose-built, and singular use, among other more specialized controls. In addition to device security, we take physical security incredibly seriously. Whether it’s our offices or the secure site where signing takes place, strict access controls are enforced through a combination of digital identification and access restrictions and digital and human monitoring.
Ready to Sign.
C&T Corporate Services is fully-staffed during regular business hours. Subject to the Terms of Service and a satisfactory risk assessment, we will sign an approved transaction within one business day of any request made prior to 2 p.m. (ET) the prior business day. Sign up with Unchained today or contact us at [email protected]